It's been a while...

I’ve been teaching yoga now for 11 years and it has always been the greatest inspiration in my life. Until now.

In April of 2018 I gave birth to a beautiful little boy and he has turned my life upside down! My focus has shifted almost entirely to his care and there are some days when even just the idea of practicing yoga at a studio seems like a luxury. This is something that has challenged me immensely over the past year; my sense of identity, my struggles with time management, and my expectations around what I though working part-time while taking care of a baby full-time would look like. I love yoga from the bottom of my heart. But I love my little guy even more. And so, I have slowly started to carve out what that means for Martini Yoga. And as I write this, I’m trying not to feel guilty for not updating this website in nearly a year!

Here’s the thing- I’m itching to get back to leading retreats and classes like crazy! I miss them so much! But I’ve realized that it will be a long time before I can retreat and teach like I did before I was pregnant. So what that means is that I will be leading fewer classes and retreats over the next couple of years. That being said, the classes and retreats I am choosing to lead WILL BE EPIC. They will be the best of the best; totally refined, curated, inspired, AND THERE WILL BE BOOZE. Because now that I’m a mom (who’s writing this after spending the last two hours attempting to get her baby to go to flippin’ sleep), I have one more reason to drink!

Cheers and thank you for your loyal business!
