When I started running yoga retreats 4 years ago, I never imagined how passionate and close to my heart they would become. Only recently have I been able to pinpoint what my subconscious has been drawn to as the international retreats have developed and evolved; they are all in divinely lush and naturally spiritual locations.
Costa Rica Yoga Retreat, Nosara, February 2013.
Growing up on a farm in the middle of nowhere, I never realized the peace and exhilaration that comes from being surrounded by nature. After moving into the city, it became clear to me on visits back to the farm that simply being in nature renewed a sense child-like wonder and relaxation within my body and soul. Now, I've learned to take an hour each day to get out of the city and walk my dog on trails in the nearest park. If I miss one of these days for whatever reason, I have come to find that my happiness level decreases and I feel uneasy and anxious.
View from The Costa Rica Yoga Spa (where the Costa Rica Retreat is being held in February, 2015)
There is this moment, when you turn a corner on a trail at my local park, where you can see the incredible length of the lake and the rolling grey curves of the mountains in the distance. Always at this moment do I feel a sense of spiritual awakening; a sense of connection and oneness. For many years, I strived to achieve this spiritual connection by reading books on different religions and cultures (I even studied religion when I majored in cultural anthropology in University). It wasn't until I took the time to pause and observe my mind's reaction to this particular landscape that it became clear how prevalent God (replace that word with whatever you need to) is in nature.
So from now on, I am devoted to running my international retreats only in places which offer spectacular immersion in nature. I'm talking about thick jungle, sweeping natural park views, audible crashing ocean waves, and don't forget about nourishing farm to table meals!
Beach at the Mexico Yoga Retreat February 2014 and 2015 (just released)
When you attend a Jungle Spirit Yoga Retreat, I guarantee that you will be getting out of the city and into the primal wild. These retreats are about finding your connection to nature; however that may manifest in your body/mind. They are about re-discovering who you are and nourishing the animal spirit which lies within you. Through these retreats I promise to do my best to rekindle your sense of child-like wonder and provide you with an immense sense of peace and contentment through the sacred vehicle that is mother nature.
So with that, I officially announce my latest Jungle Spirit Retreat: Costa Rica February 2015. I've done my research and can promise you that this place is spectacular. No fancy resorts, no commercial developments, just nature in it's purest form. I'm already imagining the fresh salty air blowing off the ocean and through the palm trees. Absolute paradise. And you're invited.
Rock On,
l.e. martini