Neumovement is opening February 11, 2014 on Kane Rd across from Cooper's.
Last spring my fantastic RMT, Vanessa Rejc, recommended I work on strengthening my core to help with injury prevention in my body. I took her words to heart and signed up for pilates classes at a wee studio in Glenmore called Neumovement. Now, 9 months later, Neumovement is re-locating to a larger space on Kane Rd to incorporate a 24-person nature-inspired yoga (and Barre!) studio which I am delighted to announce that I will have the pleasure of teaching in:) Here is why I fell in love with Neumovement and why I chose to make the transition from student (I will always be a student...) to teacher.
- The owners and staff are all enthusiastic, passionate, incredibly well-educated, and uber friendly. Their approach to health and fitness is holistic which is something I feel is often missing from our culture.
- They have now officially hired a powerhouse of experienced local yoga instructors. Joining me are Katlyn Fuhrman, Chelsea Ray, Steph Wall, and Biannca D'errico.
- They require their instructors to take free weekly anatomy and physiology seminars taught by a registered physiotherapist. This is unheard of in our industry and has already improved my teaching skills immensely.
- When you take a yoga class at Neu, you have options. You can either drop-in to a regular class, sign up for a 10-week progression session, or take an Integration (a private 30 min physiotherapy session followed by a customized 30 min yoga or pilates class…and the Integrations are covered by most Benefits providers…boom!). I am especially excited by the registered progression sessions as it guarantees I will be able to work with the same students on a weekly basis.
- Classes at Neumovement are all strongly focussed on encouraging correct anatomical alignment; this is where the word "Neu" comes from as it is short for "neutral" and German for "new". So clever.
Neumovement owners Kate Watson and Lara Yanik
Beginning in March, I will be teaching 4 classes at Neumovement as well as several integrations a week. If you have any questions about the studio, do not hesitate to ask me as I am very excited about this new opportunity and the future of yoga in our culture!
rock on,
l.e. martini